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need help with title of children's book


New Member
Hi, everyone, glad to be here!
I need help with the title of a children's book. I bought it thru Seesaw or Scholastic or some other children's book order through school, back in the mid '70s, and have lost it since then. It was about a man who came to take care of some children--either he was a nanny or a distant relative. He had a magic pipe that could blow bubbles that would surround the kids, and they could float above the town. I remember they floated above their Christmas tree, also. Does this ring a bell with anyone? I want to say his name is Mr. Tuttle, or Mr. Tiddle or something like that, kind of reminds me of Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's name, but I can't remember!! Help!!
Thanks a bunch!
raeni said:
It was about a man who came to take care of some children--either he was a nanny or a distant relative. He had a magic pipe that could blow bubbles

Sounds like a book by michael jackson :D
Found the title!

I tried several searches, and finally found the title and author of this book:
Mr. Pudgins (by Ruth Christoffer Carlsen), and it was thru Scholastic.
Thanks for the suggestion of using a search engine. I had tried it in the past, but not recently, and this time I hit paydirt!!
I kept thinking his name was Mr. Pugglesby...

I'm so glad you found it as I have been wracking my brain trying to think of it myself. I tried search engines, but to no avail.