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New Member From London, UK - author and avid reader


New Member

I'm a comedian, impressionist and scriptwriter. My new novel, Song In The Wrong Key, is an edgy romantic comedy which has been garnering terrific reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. All 4 & 5 stars so far! That could change.

The larger book shops seem to be teeming with Scandinavian thrillers, fantasy trilogies, YA Gothic epics and a welter of historical fiction set in the Indian subcontinent. So either I'm wasting my time with humorous contemporary fiction, or starting a new trend. Or neither.

I haven't posted a link to the book here for fear of offending the rules. I presume there's a place for me to do that.

My reading preferences are for contemporary fiction with a bit of zingy humour. Tom Wolfe, Nick Hornby, David Nicholls (pre the miserable One Day), Steve Hely, Danny Wallace, Jonathan Tropper, Rob Long. I've just finished Let The Great World Spin by Colum McCann which blew me away and Reservation Road by John Burnham Schwarz which didn't. I've gone off thrillers a bit but occasionally delve - Elizabeth Haynes seems to be on the right lines. Rosamund Lupton has gone off the edge. Anyway, I'll post reviews - old and new - as I go along.

Looking forward to chatting and debating with other members.
