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New Member
Hi everyone. My name is LaMonica. I have been a life long reader. I will be 36 in October. I fell off reading for about the last 6 years. By fell off, I mean maybe only a book or two in those few years. Waaaay down from my 1 book a month. from when I was a teen. But I'm picking it back up. I've actually read 3 book in the last two months.

A book has to grab me in the beginning. I admit I have a LOT of unfinished books. But I think I'm back in the swing of thngs.

So I hope to have some great book discussions with all of you.

So many books..But I'll try. This is in no certain order. Just some I can think of.

Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austin
Animal Farm - George Orwell
The Book Club- Mary Alice Monroe
Invisible Life - E. Lynn Harris
The Tale Of The Body Thief - Anne Rice
Misery - Stephen King
Second Child - John Saul
The Mermaids Singing- Val McDermid
The Alienist - Caleb Carr
A Long Fatal Love Chase - Louisa Mae Alcott
Cry To Heaven - Anne Rice
To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
American Psycho- Brent Easton Ellis
A Density Of Souls - Christopher Rice

I like horror, suspense, erotica. Just good fiction. I know there's more. But it's hard to think of them.
Hello! Welcome to the forum.

I see you like erotica & Anne Rice. I just finished reading Belinda by her. It was very interesting & quite a page-turner.

Well, I hope you like it here! :p
I read "Belinda" so long ago...wow..I forgot about that book. I loved it. I read most of her books, up until "The Vampire Armand".

Have you read the "Sleeping Beauty" books. The are highly erotic..and wonderful.