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Post-apocalyptic novel


New Member
Hello all,

This certainly seems to be the place to try to find a book I've forgotten the title to.
I read a post-apocalyptic novel in the mid to late 80's that was one of the best books I've ever read, and now I've forgotten the title. Here's what I remember about it:
Mankind was dying out, quite possibly because of the flu. The only way to avoid getting sick from the disease was to be exposed to dog saliva. One of the heroes was an Indian truck driver nick-named Tomahawk, who was called that because he carried one on his belt and used it to whack his tires to guess what their air pressure might be. One of the other heroes was named Travis, who might have driven a Camaro. In one of the battles between the good and evil people, the good people were throwing pipe bombs that were wrapped in electrical tape that had tacks stuck through it. One of the bad guys in the novel had been under arrest and was attacked by a police dog that bit him, ironically passing along immunity to the disease. I seem to remember that the cover was a cut out of a demon that seemed to be burning because the illustration on the inside was flames.

Any help anyone could give me would be so greatly appreciated. I've been trying to find out what book this was for years now.

