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Depends really.

One way is to acquire an agent who will query and submit to major publishing houses for you. Since most do not accept direct from writer submissions. When looking for an agent it is important to check the agents reputation and avoid any that offers editing or any services for a fee. Agents should only be paid by commission from sales.

Without an agent a writer can submit directly to a micro press, but the writer needs to do the homework regarding the publisher's reputation. Again, you should not have to pay to have your book published.

You can self-publish through different means. Amazon, and other sites have e-book self publishing.

Vanity is another form of self publishing really because you pay to publish through the press. Either there are upfront costs or you must purchase so many copies.
I want to self-publish. I studied up on it last night . Any suggestions on editors,printers,typesetters,book cover designers,and reviewers.