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Romance Novel search


New Member
Hey all, I guess I should just describe the plot for the book I am looking for. The hero is Nathaniel and the heroin is Sarah. The two come from fueding familys from the horse and buggy days, and in order to calm the chaos, the king betroths the two as children. If either of them breaks the contract, the other family inherits the land between the familys estates, thus controlling both sides. When they come of age, Nathaniel goes to retrieve his bride, intent upon providing an heir, all he needs to fullful his part of the bargain. He finds her in a hilarious attempt to rescue her aunt, find Nathaniel and find out why he hadnt come for her. He takes her away, and they go on his ship to return her aunt to her home. Several more hilarious clamaties befall them, all due to Sarah being ignorant of life at sea. Thru it all she insists he must love and cherish her, as he had signed the contract. He tries to fight it, but of course, falls in love with her anyway, despite his best attempts to deny it. They return home to find Sarah father has found out about Nathans dark past, and threantens to reveal it if he does not break the contract and give up the lands. All the while, blaming Sarah as the source of the information. I will not reveal the end (bad luck) but thats pretty much it. This was the 2nd funniest romance I had ever read, and it drives me crazy I cant think of the name. If you know the author or title or ANYTHING:confused: PLEASE let me know.
Um..The Gift? By Julie Garwood. I haven't actually read it but google is very useful...

:D I love you. Please tell me how you found it, having never read it before? I have been searching and searching. There are a few more I would like to find also. I am not really familiar with google, so fill me in if you will!

Again thank you so so much, now i can laugh at the witty humor I found in this book. :D
I am loved.

All I did was go to google.com and type: nathaniel and sarah romance characters. It brought up a few links mentioning The Gift, so I linked to one of the results on Amazon and the book description sortof matched what you said. That's all. I am actually amazed you remember the name of the main characters. I have the curse of forgetting nearly everything about books that I read..which is why I got into the habit of writing down every book I read in a word document. Then, when I can't remember whether I've read Jane Eyre or not, I can look.

Actually, knowing the stories and characters is my strong point. Its funny, I could quote a couple of paragraphs, and probably tell the tale fairly accurately, but I never remember names of authors or titles. It goes the same for music. I have a buddy who is a DJ, and I drive him nuts calling and asking 'you remember that one song that has this line......' Thanks again, and I am sure you will be seeing me and my sis on this thread quite a few times.

You're welcome. And about the song lines...the only way I ever figure out the name of a song or who wrote it is by searching (on google, of course..I'm addicted) the line of lyrics in quotations with the word lyrics on the end..like "give me your heart and your soul" lyrics. Then you can stop annoying the dj.
excellent, i just found another one. you are truly the google guru. So how about when you cant think of character names, and vaugely remember the plot? I have a pre history book i would like to find, but I have read so many I get the names confused. Any ideas?
Yes, I have an excellent idea. Post the description in the Book Search forum ;)
Google can only do so much. Without names..you probably won't get anywhere.