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The Book Forum Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy List


Well-Known Member
Here is the list for March 2005.
1. TBF Top 100 SF & F List (by Rating) (This is pure average of votes. This is far from ideal)
2. TBF Top 100 SF & F List (by Votes) (This is based on votes. Again, not ideal, but a more interesting spread of titles. This will be a problem when more people give lower scores to titles)
3. TBF SF & F Most Popular Authors
4. TBF SF & F Most Popular Books
5. TBF SF & F Top Voters

When you see the list you'll understand why there are two Top 100 lists. I'll be happy to get comments on how it should be presented given the votes we already have. Discussions on the TBF Top 100 should be conducted on the TBF Top 100 Scifi List Discussion thread.

May 2005

Okay, it's late. :(

When you really think about it though, since I posted it late March, it really wasn't March's list - it really was April's. So I'm not sooo late after all.


Anyway, here is the list for May 2005.
1. TBF Top 100 SF & F List (by Rating) (This is pure average of votes. This is far from ideal)
2. TBF Top 100 SF & F List (by Votes) (This is based on votes. Again, not ideal, but a more interesting spread of titles. This will be a problem when more people give lower scores to titles)
3. TBF SF & F Most Popular Authors
4. TBF SF & F Most Popular Books
5. TBF SF & F Top Voters

Again, comments are more than welcome. And again, discussions on the TBF Top 100 should be conducted on the TBF Top 100 Scifi List Discussion thread.

List for Jan 2006

Thought this list went the way of the dodo, didn't you? :D

Here is the list for Jan 2006.
1. TBF Top 100 SF & F List (by Rating) (This is pure average of votes)
2. TBF Top 100 SF & F List (by Votes) (This is based on number of votes)
3. TBF SF & F Most Popular Authors
4. TBF SF & F Most Popular Books
5. TBF SF & F Top Voters

My harddisk crashed, truth be told, a couple of months ago. Because there wasn't a backup of the database since June 2005, I had to re-enter everything since then.

On the plus side, I reworked the program to be more friendly (to me), and favours swift keystoke entries. So in the interest of keeping a copy for posterity, please find:
1. Latest topbooks program I use to input the ratings.
2. Latest topbooks database (Microsoft Access).
3. Latest source code (for VB6).
