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The Introduction of me.

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New Member
I haven't been accepted by society because of my condition. I am an androgynous being. Please accept me. I am quite normal. Just because I can copulate with myself doesn't make me a bad person. I really like chocolate. I wear shoes. When I go to the movies I eat popcorn, with butter. When I turn off all the electronic devices and sit, there is tintinnabulation. I flew on a plane and the turbulence scared me. I can go to the bathroom, all by myself. I was at a funereal, of my dear friend Milo, and the crucified Jesus talked to me. I once had a dog, but it died, so I ate it. I took the batteries out of the clock on the wall, because it went tick-tick-tick. I looked out the window and saw the world, and it has things in it. I have hair on my head and comb it on a quotidian basis. I've been on a sinking ship; it was fun, people were trying to save each other, while trying to save themselves, from themselves. I saw a three-legged dog pursue its own cadual. When I look in the mirror...I see somebody. In an act of omphaloskepsis, I was consternated of defenestration.
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