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The Loved Dead and Other Tales by C. M. Eddy, Jr.


New Member
I recently found and read a book by C. M. Eddy, Jr. titled The Loved Dead and Other Tales ISBN 9780970169921 it is a collection of thirteen short stories written in the early part of the 20th Century and all published together for the first time. The stories range from horror to supernatural to detective mystery. The stories are fantastic and they hold up remarkably well.

The book is very well designed and is put out by a small press, Fenham Publishing. The book also includes some original artwork from Weird Tales.

Eddy was an author who wrote for Weird Tales back in the 1920's. He was a good friend to Lovecraft, both living in Providence, Rhode Island at that time.

I think the book is an excellent read and highly recomended it.

Lovecraft also wrote a story called The Loved Dead. Seeing how Lovecraft and Eddy were contemporaries, did they collaborate on it?
Lovecraft and C. M. Eddy were contemporaries and friends. They both lived in Providence, Rhode island and would visit frequently. They would show thier newest tales to each other and offer suggestions (as any friend would) to help the story.

Unfortunately through the years some of Eddy's stories including "The Loved Dead" have been wrongly attributed to Lovecraft. This has been due to some editors and so called scholars not being very thorough in thier research.

Lovecraft mentions "The Loved Dead" in some of his many letters, in one to Lilliann Clark dated Dec 13, 1925 he writes "ever since the Indiana senate took action about poor Eddy's 'Loved Dead' he has been in a continual panic about censorship." referring to the editor of Weird Tales at the time.

The story was written by Eddy during his association with Lovecraft. In the introdution of the book there is some info about the stories and author, and the publishers website has more details.