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Vagabond, a crime thriller by Sean Teneo is available now!

Sean Teneo

New Member
VAGABOND is a character-driven action thriller following the exploits of Lucas Graves, a man who has decided to allow his past to end his life after he achieves a vengeance nearly twenty years in the making. Returning to his hometown, Lucas fights what he thinks are his final battles before slowly beginning to realize that there may be a bigger picture he’s missing. Varrina Wilkerson, his childhood friend now an officer of the law, aligns with him when they both realize they’re chasing after the same goal.
"VAGABOND" seems to promise an intense and gripping narrative with a compelling blend of character-driven drama and action thrills. The protagonist, Lucas Graves, carries the weight of a two-decade-long quest for vengeance, adding depth and mystery to the storyline. The decision to set the story in Lucas's hometown adds a personal touch, creating a connection between the character and the setting.
This book is one of my top 5 best reads of all time! I am captivated by Lucas and Varrina completely. They overcame years of trauma, obstacles, abuse, and abandonment to find their way back to each other. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series. Edge of your seat kinda read so buckle up!! 10/10

This book has you looking inward. What are you willing to compromise? What traumas have you been hiding from or compartmentalizing? What are you willing to accept in the name of healing?

This is better than I ever imagined. Surface level readers will see excitement and experience this as a great read. Then there are those that will see this for what it is. A masterpiece. If you love Queen Charlotte by Shonda Rhymes then you’ll adore this.

You’ll be side by side while Lucas fights his way through life’s obstacles to find himself. I don’t want to spoil it so read it!! Then feel free to message me. I would love this as a book club read!