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New Member
I'm always on the lookout for new authors, and I wonder if anyone has read any of these, and want to tell me what they think...

Robert Coover
Juris Jurjevics
Christopher Lehmann-Haupt

They all have recently published, and I want to get some feed back before I invest.

Thanks for any input.

Thanks :D
I have only read Coover's "The Universal Baseball Association, Inc., J. Henry Waugh, Prop.". Being a baseball fan, and one that in my youth had dice games of the sport, and even participate in fantasy leagues, it was pretty good. It had a strong start and was well paced, but at the end it got totally goofy. The last chapter was almost unreadable and seemed to make absolutely no sense and was not in context with the rest of the book, which was a shame since I really enjoyed the first 2/3's of it.