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What I See


New Member
A warm tropical breeze make the palm trees slowly blow
I love this place! I have always loved the Florida Keys
The mild nights here are beautiful! I think I see lights on the ocean as they glow
They seem to be smoothly gliding over the sea.

Being night, it's kind of hard to see what type ship she is
Maybe she if a tanker or a luxury liner where all have fun
Sitting here on the beach it's fun to try and guess what kind of ship it is
The illumination of the lights makes the ship look big, like she could weigh several tons.

I hear the eerie sound she emits as she blows her horn
It looks as though some kind of fog bank surrounds the ship
The ghostly sound emitted by the ship sound so solemn and forlorn
The lights seem to be moving closer, maybe now I can see the name of the ship.

I wish I could yell and you hear me say "Come closer!"
My curiosity is now aroused and I need to know
It looks as though you are going to reveal yourself to me
My eyes just can't believe what they see next as your lights twinkle and glow.

It looks as though you are transparent! I can see straight through you
Am I insane? Is my mind testing me with some sort of ghostly test?
Is what I am seeing actually true?
You are close enough now for me to see your name Mary Celeste.