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Who are the top 5 novel publishers today?


New Member
My professor as well as a good friend of mine has just finished writing a novel about lives and memories. This novel was tended to reach children 12 to 18 years of age. Currently, I need help finding the top book publishers of today so that his novel could reach out more effectively.

Another information that I need help on is finding out the top ten selling books about life in the past 10 years.

If anyone has any information on any of these subjects, please feel free to post. I cannot use google as effective as I had hoped. Thanks.
For publishers check The Writers & Artist's Yearbook (UK) or the American one (think it's called The Writers' Handbook).
You might want to try talking to an agent. Most large publishers don't really take unsollicited novels. Well, they take them... They usually just fall into the recycle bin by accident.
Asking "Who are the top 5 novel publishers today?" is not the way to research such a topic. Unless the book is "The Next Great American Novel", large press will not touch it without an agent. Try small press, or pushing it (but not too hard) to kid-lit agents.