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Aggravating People

Jemima Aslana

New Member
Now, for the third night in a row some dude has rung my doorbell thinking it was Natalie he was visiting.

There are about 67 names to choose from down at the entrance and only last names are there. First names are indicated only by initials. Since my name starts with an N, I can forgive him the first mistake - the N could after all have been the N in Natalie. But he's done it twice more. Natalie has not bloody well moved into apartment 101 since last night, you moronic idiot. If it got you me on the phone when you hit 101 last night, don't you think it might be like that again this night?


At least it was here just before 11 and not any later. And lucky for him I was not immersed in a book. I could have been a lot harsher than I was. Now I just told him: "I'm N******* not Natalie, get it into your head, for pity's sake!"

I really hate being torn out of a string of thoughts by something like that. Once in a while it will happen - of course it will, we all make mistakes, but this is the same f*cking dude for the THIRD f*cking night in a row.


So, anyone have similarly aggravating experiences with people being insanely stupid?
When I was a student in Newcastle, our flat used to constantly get phone calls from people wanting the Northern Rock building society! I suppose our number must have been only 1 digit different. It drove us mad - they used to start at 8.30 am and go on until after 5.00 pm. I'm not sure whether the people were being stupid, or whether Northern Rock had accidentally printed their number wrong on something, but either way it was extremely aggravating. :mad:
Yesterday I worked a detail at our annual county fair (yeehaw). I was not once, not twice, but three times harassed by a man who makes a living racing pigs. Yup, he raises, trains and races potbellied pigs. N'uf said.
when i worked at the bookstore people would come in all the time and say, " about a month ago, you had a book in the window, it was about this big and had a purple cover, do you still have it?"
My sort of stalker aggravated the absolute bejuzus (made up word) out of me.

He lives with his mum at the end of my road, I would see him on my morning train to work everyday - considering him to be a neighbour i'd nod politely at him before losing myself in a newspaper/book. He started to get weirder, he would always come and sit near me and stare, yet never speak to me. Whenever i tried to initiate a conversation he would ignore me.Slowly I started seeing him everywhere - the library, my favourite bench at the park etc. At first i was completely spooked but then darn it he just got on my nerves, so i spoke to my next door neighbour, (the 'neighbourhood watch' - that woman knows everything about everyone - in fact she aggravates me too :p ) She had me rolling around with laughter because i thought her advice was a joke. When she told me she was serious, i hesitently took the advice and it worked. In fact now, everytime he sees me he walks in the other direction. The advice? well....

She said.... tell his mother.
Gem said:
She said.... tell his mother.
LOL.. that's priceless :D

The people who aggravate me the most are the rude, obnoxious people I have to serve at my work (I work in a fish 'n chip shop). The kind of people who blame us if they leave something from their order behind, such as doughnuts, when their order was clearly pointed out to them. Or people making up imaginary problems with their food so they will get something free. One person complained that they found bugs all through their pizza, but when we asked them to return it so we could replace it, they revealed that they had eaten it. The worst kind, however, are the ones who are just plain stupid. Like the person who asked for their fish underdone, and then returned to complain that their fish wern't fully cooked :rolleyes:
The worst kind, however, are the ones who are just plain stupid. Like the person who asked for their fish underdone, and then returned to complain that their fish wern't fully cooked

LOL, oh I can't stop laughing.
Gem said:

LOL, oh I can't stop laughing.
Of course I laugh about it afterwards, but at the time I had to bite my toungue in order to keep my job. Looking back on it, I've had to do that a few jobs throughout my short career :D
Gem said:
My sort of stalker aggravated the absolute bejuzus (made up word) out of me.

He lives with his mum at the end of my road, I would see him on my morning train to work everyday - considering him to be a neighbour i'd nod politely at him before losing myself in a newspaper/book. He started to get weirder, he would always come and sit near me and stare, yet never speak to me. Whenever i tried to initiate a conversation he would ignore me.Slowly I started seeing him everywhere - the library, my favourite bench at the park etc. At first i was completely spooked but then darn it he just got on my nerves, so i spoke to my next door neighbour, (the 'neighbourhood watch' - that woman knows everything about everyone - in fact she aggravates me too :p ) She had me rolling around with laughter because i thought her advice was a joke. When she told me she was serious, i hesitently took the advice and it worked. In fact now, everytime he sees me he walks in the other direction. The advice? well....

She said.... tell his mother.

LOL, that is so good. :) Mothers have such power!

The people who aggravate me the most are those who have no idea what they're talking about, but think they know everything anyway.
mehastings said:
Yesterday I worked a detail at our annual county fair (yeehaw). I was not once, not twice, but three times harassed by a man who makes a living racing pigs. Yup, he raises, trains and races potbellied pigs. N'uf said.


Go #4!!!, go #4!. . . . . .Sooooowwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

I live in an apartment complex - like so many other poor students :p

My block has a rep all over town for being loud and housing some less than law-abiding citizens. I don't give a damn, I keep to myself and don't feel a particular need to talk to my neighbours. A problem did arise back in May, though, for some time I'd noticed that my immediate neighbour had a tendency to play his music rather loudly. Ah well, I didn't mind much, I practice opera arias once in a while after all - so I can budge a bit. But when, on a Sunday morning - my sacro-sanct day off, he started off with his heavy metal at 8 AM when I was trying to sleep in, I got pissed.

So I with morning hair, bathrobe and slippers went out in the hallway and to his door. I rang the doorbell and sincerely hoped he'd turn the music down before opening the door - I had visions of myself being blasted towards the opposite wall by the shockwave from the music. He did turn it down a bit, and when he opened, I calmly asked him to keep it down so those of us who like to enjoy our peaceful Sunday mornings can do so. I didn't care for an explanation, I just wanted him to comply - but he did explain things to me anyway.

He explained that he had been annoyed with his neighbout who had played loud music and so he had played loud music right back at him.

WTF!!! What kind of brainless reasoning is that?!?!? Where did he think the rest of the world would go while he and his neighbour battled it out on volume?

I hate people like that.
MonkeyCatcher said:
Or people making up imaginary problems with their food so they will get something free. One person complained that they found bugs all through their pizza, but when we asked them to return it so we could replace it, they revealed that they had eaten it.
A warning, that this one will be gross, so if you're eating... Okay, disclaimer over.

During my first year of university I worked at a very busy KFC. There were these 3 kids of about 14 or so who would frequently come in and make trouble. I think they actually went to a posh private school, to tell the truth, but liked to pretend they were 'street'.

So one day the leader of the kids comes up with the Twister that he'd just bought (one of those pita wraps with lettuce, tomato and chicken strips). He complains that it's got... human hair from 'down there' in it. Sure enough, on top of where he has bitten are... hairs. But they're just on top. This kid had taken a bite, pulled out some of his own... hairs... and come up to complain. I can't even recall what we did, it was so bleeding obvious that it was the kid and not us. To be honest I think we replaced his food without an apology, but if we hadn't been a chain store I would have considered calling the police to deal with these three.

Funny now. Totally disgusting at the time.
Kookamoor said:
A warning, that this one will be gross, so if you're eating... Okay, disclaimer over.

During my first year of university I worked at a very busy KFC. There were these 3 kids of about 14 or so who would frequently come in and make trouble. I think they actually went to a posh private school, to tell the truth, but liked to pretend they were 'street'.

So one day the leader of the kids comes up with the Twister that he'd just bought (one of those pita wraps with lettuce, tomato and chicken strips). He complains that it's got... human hair from 'down there' in it. Sure enough, on top of where he has bitten are... hairs. But they're just on top. This kid had taken a bite, pulled out some of his own... hairs... and come up to complain. I can't even recall what we did, it was so bleeding obvious that it was the kid and not us. To be honest I think we replaced his food without an apology, but if we hadn't been a chain store I would have considered calling the police to deal with these three.

Funny now. Totally disgusting at the time.

Umm...did he eat the replacement? I can't see someone being hungry enough to eat two Twisters at one sitting.
My mum and I lived in an apartment complex in New Jersey. When we first moved in we were approached by our new neighbor. He was a softspoken polite young man. He told my mother he was in a band.

At 2 am the same night we were jolted awake by the loudest metal music I had ever heard in my life. I went to boarding school and have lived in several apartments so I completely accept that living in an apartment means you will hear your neighbors. A loud tv and the occasional yelling doesn't really bother me, but this was different. It was louder than a club and it kept going until 5 am.

The next day I was excercising on my stationary bike at 3 in the afternoon. My new neighboor (who lived below us) began banging really sharply on the floor beneath me with a broom or something. I guess I woke him up...

What an a**hole. He was definately the rudest most selfish neighboor I've ever had. He never curbed his habits and eventually we kind-of got use to it.
*He* told *you* to quiet down? What nerve! I would have landed a fist right in his nose had he dared such behaviour. I hope you made really early mornings just for his benefit. What an arse...
Kookamoor said:
A warning, that this one will be gross, so if you're eating... Okay, disclaimer over.

During my first year of university I worked at a very busy KFC. There were these 3 kids of about 14 or so who would frequently come in and make trouble. I think they actually went to a posh private school, to tell the truth, but liked to pretend they were 'street'.

So one day the leader of the kids comes up with the Twister that he'd just bought (one of those pita wraps with lettuce, tomato and chicken strips). He complains that it's got... human hair from 'down there' in it. Sure enough, on top of where he has bitten are... hairs. But they're just on top. This kid had taken a bite, pulled out some of his own... hairs... and come up to complain. I can't even recall what we did, it was so bleeding obvious that it was the kid and not us. To be honest I think we replaced his food without an apology, but if we hadn't been a chain store I would have considered calling the police to deal with these three.

Funny now. Totally disgusting at the time.
Oh, that is foul :eek: I would have made the little punk eat it.
This young relative of mine talks all the time, even when she's been told to be quiet, she just keeps on chattering. 90% is stuff she actually has no clue about and every sentence starts with one of two phrases- "I hope you know..." or "its just that...". As annoying as she is, I really feel sorry for her because I know that at home, the only way she gets any attention is by talking non-stop, but when she is at her dad's for weekend/school holidays, she's at my house most of the time, talking non-stop.
Miss Shelf said:
Umm...did he eat the replacement? I can't see someone being hungry enough to eat two Twisters at one sitting.

You really need to attend a leckert eating sometime!

You will be shocked and amazed!!

Get my twin brother and I together, and we will eat ourselves into a coma just to impress each other!

Two twisters would not be such a big feat, even if only moderately hungry!
