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  • I'm doing just fine. You? We haven't watched the Prohibition series yet, although I previewed part of the first episode the other day. Carry Nation is def a Kansas icon. She had her reasons, I guess. But if it wasn't for Uppity Women history would be such a bore!
    I think this is the second BOTM that I am truely taking all in at the vast writing from this man.Loving it.
    I DO know how it is!
    At the moment, we're enjoying a slight lull between events. Just welcomed our first grandchild May 11, and had a HS graduation party for eldest son Sunday. Friday, my daughter Katie's boyfriend will go have a chat with my dh...and we can officially start planning for a wedding this summer. Before that, Mr. Abc will be up in your neck of the woods*, as he takes part in this year's Bike Across Kansas. The fun never stops!

    *This year's route is across Northern Kansas
    I liked the Parker novel Wilderness, about an average guy who witnesses a murder. I also liked Poodle Springs and Jesse Stone novels. I used to like Spenser novels before I became a PI myself, and then found them to be too unrealistic, but this does not mean they were not good books.
    Good! Starting a new job tomorrow (Mon Feb 15). Was laid off nine and a half months ago. We were relocated for it, so I'm looking forward to the new adventures in a new city. And almost five months ago our second son was born. So things are good. How about you?
    You have a good un too! We're taking care of errands, like walmart runs, haircuts, visiting Grandma..ordinary stuff.
    Thanks, I look forward to reading Politics as I've just finished Plato's Republic. I see you like Notes From Underground too. Just started reading it and I'm impressed so far. Just gotta remember where I put it.
    I've not heard of that one. Glad you enjoyed it..will have to google it for further investigation.
    Getting ready for a new school year. Just about to start requesting ILLs today..Sending three of the kids off to the local high school, which halves my teaching load.
    Yep, one friend...because I'm an ass, and everybody obviously knows it. I made my grave here, and now I'm buried in it. Such is life. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
    OMIGOOODNESS!!! I'm thankful we didn't read about this in the newspaper!! The story could easily have been a tragedy. I bet your family's guardian angels are needing a vacation of their own after this little mess!
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