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Biggest Turkeys!


New Member
Hi all, just for a change less talk about the worst sci-fi you've ever read.

1) The Family De'Lambert series. E E Smith
2) The Witches of Karres. ?
3) The Serrano Legacy. Moon
4) Perry Rhodan
5) The Gor series.
The Dune sequels. I managed to get through the second and third books, but God Emperor of Dune was my breaking point.
Damm, forgot about that. I actually managed to finish it but I doubt I will ever read it again. Chapterhouse was OK tho'
The first Dune book is complex, but I followed the story without any problems. With the other ones I was always asking myself "Why is this happening? Is this even important?" Halfway through God Emperor I figured out the answer to Question #2: no ;).