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Clyde Watson: Midnight Moon


Active Member
My favorite book of all time is being re-released very soon, so in its honor I thought I would start a thread.

As a very young child my parents couldn't afford to buy me tons of books, so we went to the library. One week we chose a small blue book with a picture of the man in the moon on it. Little did my mother know that twenty three years later she and my father would both still be able to recite bits of its poetry word for word. After borrowing this book over and over, my parents decided to buy a copy for Christmas. By then (1982) it was already out of print, and without the internet, difficult to acquire. Through the library they eventually got a copy. When I went off to college sixteen years later I didn't want to take my book to a college campus, so I found a second copy online at a used book store for about $30. Up until recently used copies were going for well over $100 online. Now, it is finally about to be re-released. Anyway, about the book...

Midnight Moon is a beautifully illustrated picture book for young children. In easy to understand and remember rhymes it tells the story of what happens to you after you fall asleep. The little boy in the story is visited by the Sandman, who takes him on a voyage to the moon where he meets the Man in the Moon and his Little Brown Dog. There he is fed, entertained and told stories about the Man in the Moon's magical travels around the earth. Later, he is returned to his bed in time for Mother Sun to wake him in the morning. This book's magic is undoubtedly due to the combination of pages just the right size for reading to a small child in bed, a fun story, fantastic rhymes and Susanna Natti's beautiful watercolor illustrations that grace each page.
I don't know Midnight Moon, but I reckognized Clyde Watson from a book we read a lot when my oldest girls were small: Applebet:An ABC. The illustrator is different than Midnight Moon, but I think you'll still like it.