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"Death Rite"


New Member
Ok heres a short part of the first section of my new book im writing.

Life, Death, and a Cat.

I woke up groggy and my back felt like someone slapped me with a plank. I always hated sea travel. I was in the far right bunk inside a crew quarters. My cat, Joicear, noticed this disturbance and used his telepathic link to talk to me.
“Go back to sleep, this isn’t the time nor place for some bad dreams”
People have found this link between me and my feline confidant strange. Basically, cats and some other animals can create things called “Life debts” or as I call them “Life Torture”. I saved this particular cat while he was about one week old from a huge group of starving dogs. He didn’t know it at the time, and neiter did I or I wouldn’t have done it, that my deed entitled him to be my lifelong curs-I mean pet.
“If I really ever cared about where I have my nightmares I would have you control them”.
“Pay me and I might do it”, replied my cat.
I didn’t answer, the worst thing about a psionically tied familiar is that he can control most of my brain except movement and thought pattern. The “payment” he mentioned was better food, yeah right.
Well, with this being the Writers' Showcase, I would guess that he is looking for some feedback and some constructive criticism.