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Hey, I was wondering, are there any doom fans out there? Of the books I mean. The ones based on the game and so forth. And I'm very glad, because me and my friend had been looking for them for a long time, and since Doom 3 came out, they reissued them. I got all four yesterday:

Knee-Deep in The Dead
Hell On Earth
Infernal Sky

Just wondering if anyone else out there is reading/has read them.
Yeah, they're pretty good, I'm on the first one. Just go to chapters or whatever book site (they should have them) and type in the titles I provided up there.
Wouldn't you already know the storyline already, if you finished the game?

Or do they talk about something else?

Only the first book follows the storyline of the games, as far as I can remember. Yes, that was me admitting that I have read (indeed, own!) a couple of the Doom books. I'm not proud, but from what I remember they wernt all that terrible .. it was a loooong time ago that they were first published, so my memory is a little hazy on the subject, but there was something about the characters being under siege in Salt Lake City (I think it must be Hell on Earth).

Phil :)