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Dusting off My Bookshelf


New Member
Hello everyone!

I love reading and learning. I haven't done a lot of reading over the past several months for many reasons, but spring cleaning got me back in the mood. I also run a children's book website where we have age/grade recommended books, games, toys, videos, and we also write reviews for authors. If you get a chance, check it out and let me know what you think.

So, I found this forum and I am excited to find out what the rest of you are up to and what you are reading.

Looking forward to conversing!
Of course! It was edited out when I mentioned it initally, so I guess maybe we are not allowed to put links in our posts? We are still working on improving it, but would love feedback!
Of course! It was edited out when I mentioned it initally, so I guess maybe we are not allowed to put links in our posts? We are still working on improving it, but would love feedback!

You can put your link in your signature.