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Giant Children-Brod Bogart


Well-Known Member
Bought this one at a used bookstore. There are some really interesting poems in this one, but the one thing that really stand out, is the large pictures, which both of my kids just love. You turn the pages and you are just engulfed(or so it seems) into a large, well-drawn picture of crayon drawn giant children. It is intended for older kids, but mine enjoy the pics and allows us to work with them on some simple things(i.e.-nose, eyes, etc.) Just wanted to leave a recommendation for this one-some exceptional reviews as well.

Giant Children
My son really liked Giant Children and we loved Parts by Tedd Arnold, so if you enjoyed the pictures in Giant Children you may enjoy Parts & his Huggly books as well.

A five-year-old boy thinks his body is falling apart untill he learns new teeth grow and hair and skin replace themselves.