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Have you come up with a title?


Active Member
I've come across a site that examines your title to work out whether your book will be a success, based on analysis' of the bestsellers of the last fifty years. Apparently it estimated 40% better than randomly guessing, whether a title had been a best-seller or not.

And, The Da Vinci Code got a low score. Hmm.

Lulu Titlescorer
The title for my latest novel has a 63.7% chance of being a bestseller.

Too bad I got another rejection for it just yesterday.
I love the way it asks you to analyse the title before submitting the query. Er, isn't that your job, o title analyser? And the way it asks whether a title is literal or figurative. Shouldn't a good title be both?
Oh dear

The title The Book Forum has a 35.9% chance of being a bestselling title.

My full name has a 14.6% chance. :(
I don't know. It's basing this (apparently) off of how many nouns and verbs you have in your title. It doesn't test originality and the computer doesn't have an intelligent mind to think "Ooh! That looks interesting!"
It's the cover art that does it, anyway.

(Pft. My three working titles scored lower than 30% combined! Better go for the good artwork.)
StillILearn said:
It's the cover art that does it, anyway.

(Pft. My three working titles scored lower than 30% combined! Better go for the good artwork.)
XD. I agree--mine actually turned up to be 11%! I'm not saying that there's no way I will be a bestselling author and the thing must be wrong, but I think the reliability is in question. And anyway, a machine clearly can't judge creativity.
I know that cover art is a major factor in which books I buy, so I will definitely make sure the cover art is good. LOL.
I'm really doubting this title testing thing. I posted two of my favorite titles for my novel I'm working on Black Rose and Phoenix of the North. The first got a 69% and the second got a 63.4%. Not bad.

I tested it with known titles. Here's what I got.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire-16.9%
Silence of the Lambs-10.4%
Memoirs of a Geisha-10.2%
Salem's Lot-15.8%

Aren't these horrible for books that were very good bestsellers!

ValkyrieRaven88 said:
I don't know. It's basing this (apparently) off of how many nouns and verbs you have in your title. It doesn't test originality and the computer doesn't have an intelligent mind to think "Ooh! That looks interesting!"

Yeah, I noticed long titles were worse than shorter ones in rating. Besides, the computer just looks at the words and says "Do these match what has sold in the last 50 years." If yes, "good score." If no, "bad score, won't sell.":D