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Hello Everyone!


New Member

My name's Rob, and I joined on August 10th, but I must have been too busy reading, cycling and doing graphicky things to post ;0)

I've just finished my first Richard Sharpe book - "Sharpe's Tiger", on my PDA. I enjoyed it a lot, but were no surprises in its pages. Other Palm PDA books I'm reading are, "O Pioneers!", by Willa Cather, "Adam Bede" by George Eliot and I'm just starting William Gibson's "Count Zero".

I read quite a bit of science fiction, so outside of those virtual books I'm also dipping into "Green Mars" by Kim Stanley Robinson. If that wasn't enough, I'm also trying to make progress with "The Good Soldier Svejk" by Jaroslav Hasek and Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything".

I also read "A Wizard of Earthsea" by Ursula Le Guin, recently. I'm not a fan of Wands and Wizards, or Swords and Sorcery, but I'll force myself to read a couple more in this series because she's a wonderful writer.


Probably the five books that I found most immersive, evocative, life-changing, and /or interesting/disturbing were Orwell's "1984", "A Scanner Darkly", by Philip K Dick, "The Dispossessed" by Ursula Le Guin, "Catch-22" by Joseph Heller and Alexander Solzhenitsyn's "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich." Ask me tomorrow, though, and I might come up with a different list ;0)

I read them all in my youth, btw.

Thanks for having me. I'll be back soon, I promise.

p.s. I'll read pretty-much anything, really. As a 19 year old lad I read quite a few of my Auntie's Mills & Boon romance stories. I'm definitely not a snob - especially not when choosing a book to read :¬)
Ah, welcome! Good to see another ebook/scifi/Earthsea/but-I-read-anything-really reader!

I did draw a line at Mills and Boon, though. Not because I detest romance, but because my mom's old copy of M&B were dusty, and I dislike dust.

Graphicky things, you say? Are you a graphics designer, or a photographer? I'm usually wrong, though...

Thanks for all the welcome messages.

I'm only an amateur graphic artist, although I've been doing it on the PC since 1993, when I got my first Windows machine.

In the last five weeks I've started to learn how to animate. It's not that difficult when you're used to manipulating images. Having said that, I haven't tried creating anything really complex, yet :0)

Thanks for having me:
