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Hello Everyone


My name is Philip and I am looking forward to sharing myself with my fellow members. I have always had a desire to be a writer, but not until recently have I decided to develop myself as a writer full time. From my point of view as a writer the best way to benefit the community as well as myself is to be a writer and the point of joining this forum is learning how best to direct my talents as a writer for those I wish to speak to.

Here I am a student so teach me well.


Well, I make the cash doing web articles (I work for guns.com primarily) and write short stories for contests and whatnot. I lean mostly toward the macabre; it’s in my nature.

Some of my favorite authors are Clive Barker, Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, and James P. Blaylock – he’s an odd one.

I enjoy Weird Tales magazine too. :D
Sounds like an enjoyable way to make money a future I am aiming forl. Thx for the site by the way. As far as authors is concerned I have read books by Rick Riordan, Robert Greene, Anthony Morrison, Robert Kiyosaki and a couple others. Although Rick and Robert Greene were my favorites. I am a fanfiction lover taking reality and adding imagination to it making life more colorful.
My first fanfiction was by an author named Rick Riordan. After that it has been mostly manga, animated and C.G. movies that enable me to pass the time. By the way Riordan wrote a book series about the Greek gods an amazing series I couldn't stop reading each book. Other than that I love romantic fanfiction where the woman is extroverted and guy is shy for some reason I enjoy women taking the lead in fanfiction.
My attraction is based on the fact that that fanfiction takes a real event and fills up any holes whether a real life event or a story by the original author. You can take the original event and turn it into anything you can imagine.
Maybe it's just my experiences with fanfiction, but I found the writing quality sadly lacking in most of them, so I stopped reading.