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Hello, my name is Nicola and I'm a bookaholic

welcome nicola

ahh the Gower peninsula. playground of my youth, many any idle hour spent poking around the rock pools of Oxwich bay, or rainy hour spent in the indoor market in swansea browsing second hand books.

lol i took my freind on holiday to swansea to cheer him up when he split up with his girlfriend, i tried all sorts of things to cheer him, then i thought i know, i'll take him to the swimming pool - that wave machine has got to be a laugh. Guess what he got stuck in the hydroslide, just stopped in the outside part, it was funny to watch, there were a ruck of kids coming down behind him at warp speed - he had to paddle his fat ass down that slide.

anyhowz welcome to the group - wheres my lava bread?

Unfortunately, the Leisure Centre has now closed - so you can happily bring your glum friend back here without any fear of a recurrent er... shall we say, embarassment!

They do laverbread in cans now - do you want some!!!

Thanks for the welcome by the way!