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I don't get it


New Member
Was clicking on the Google ADs. I clicked on the "get something back" link and it sent me to a site called NovelX. At first, it sounded good and I joined the site, but then after investigating found it to be rubbish!

I just DO NOT get it. They want you to send your old paper back books, for each one, they give you 50p. So... I pay for the packet and shipping which would cost me at least £1.50 and they give me 50p for it??? RIIIIIIIIIIIGHT.

Then I thought, ok they have a lot of cheap books here. They even have FREE books here!!! Maybe that's good! So, put a few "free" books into my basket. The p&p is a hefty £1.99 for EACH book!!!! OK, its still cheap but not exactly a deal. If I buy the non-free book then its a full price novel. Why not just go Amazon or similar????

*shakes head*

Haven't visited the site, but the little ad for it up in the corner says you freepost your books to them, so it shouldn't be costing you £1.50 to get it there.

That's kinda a lie :)

As I said, I joined. The bit where it says "Freepost a used paperback to us & we will give you its full value." This only applies to the FIRST book you send. It is a special offer. Something they they do very well to hide.

Once you join the norm is NOT full value for a book and no mention of any freepost service at all.

Let's face it - they're dicks.

Cheers, Martin