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Kinky Friedman; Greenwich Killing Time


Well-Known Member
I've had this book for a long time, just recently got around to reading it when I was sick with a nasty cold and didn't feel like studying for class. You know the whole crime/murder schtik goes. You have a burnt out, P.I. who has a dingy office and an interesting list of characters, yadda, yadda, yadda. This book fills that description to a "T" but it's very interesting and I never tire of that kind of depiction. The P.I. in this instance is trying to solve a murder of a mutual friend who has quite a list of "friends," ex-lovers, and business associates of both genders. Friedman is quick to make fun of the bohemians in Greenwich, as well as the homosexual community throughout the book. He isn't very politically correct, but that's Kinky Friedman. I have enjoyed the book and would read another book if he wrote it about crime/murder. He reminds me of Robert B. Parker, though he follows the more standard formula of the P.I. and thebeautiful dame who walks in........:D