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Looking for a font! (ASAP! Please look.)


New Member
Hi! I'm Elyon. (Yes, I got my name from the book.)

I'm looking for the font of the main text in the books The Thief Lord (Cornelia Funke), Inkheart (Cornelia Funke), The Land of Elyon Book One: The Dark Hills Divide (Patrick Carmen), and probably more that I don't know about.

Please, if you know where I can download this font (for free), please post it here.

Or, if you have it on your computer already, could you post so here? It would be great if you could send the font files to:


Thank you so much in advance,

Elyon E.
It should be. As I understand it, every book has the font name listed. I could be mistaken though. Are you sure you have not missed it?

Anyway, failing that. Why not send an email to the publisher and ask what font they use? :)
The font is not always listed in books - I have seen quite a few without this information. It sounds like a good idea to contact the publisher.
Halo said:
Ivant, that is one cool website! :cool:

You mean Identifont? I think so, and what's even more interesting, it actually works really well--it can recognize even quite obscure fonts; of course, sample of good size is essential--but this is not a problem with books. The only problem is that font size in books is usually small and when the site asks if a serif is sloping this way or that way it can be difficult to see. :)

The site also provides links to buy the font from the publisher once you identify it.

I'm a bit of a font nut and find it fascinating that nowadays many books actually list the name of the font used for body text.
Thanks for the link, ivant!
WOW! This may come in handy for me. I make signs, shirts ,and business cards, and sometimes I need to match lettering someone already has and if it isn't in my files, I can look here!