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My first post on a message board...ever!


New Member
Howdy ya'll!

Ah, the day has finally come where I decided to join a forum. I've lurked around a few forums before, but this is the first time i've actually joined and posted in one. Somewhat exciting, I guess.

Not much to say at the moment except for a quick hello. Maybe if you all are nice enough to me, i'll stick around and post in a some more threads! :p
Hello and welcome!

I'm glad that you made such an excellent choice for your first message board. I hope you're ready for a TBR stack a mile high :D
Hello and welcome!

I'm glad that you made such an excellent choice for your first message board. I hope you're ready for a TBR stack a mile high :D

Great... I already have a TBR stack a mile high! :(

Oh well, at least you guys will keep me busy!

Please excuse my randomness, but this is my favorite smiley :eek:
He looks like a bug of some sort. I dunno, he just makes me giggle.
Welcome to BAR!. You've come to the right place, just forget about all the others okay?;) :D
They have already been forgotten. In all the other forums I could find that were even remotely close to being readable and beginning discussions, the people ultimately focused on one author...usually stephen king or dean koontz. :eek: Yuck!

Don't get me wrong, King is alright, but I can only spend so long roaming around those forums seeing people start a discussion about To Kill a Mocking Bird (for example) and somehow see the thread immediatly turn into a discussion about how the person should read King or Koontz. :rolleyes: I'm here to broaden my horizons, not read the same author day after day.