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New from Ohio


New Member
Hi :) I'm an art student from Ohio, USA. I am interested in US history, particularly the wars, and so I always really appreciate a well-done war novel. I especially like the books written by Michael and Jeff Shaara. Other than that I don't have a particular genre that I stick close to, I'll read a little bit of everything.

Other than reading, I love art, baseball, (American) football, and pickles. Looking forward to some interesting discussions with you all :)
Hi there! You're about a fortnight my junior; I'm a newbie too.
To tell the truth, I know almost nothing about US History, but I'm taking the AP class next year, because it's a required class here in Michigan (I figured the freshman class would be too easy, considering I'm already taking the junior SS class). I don't know if it is in Ohio... Just out of curiosity, what did you think of the American Revolution? Good or bad?
Your profile says you're an art student, right? What kind of art do you do?
In my highschool US History was required, as well as US Government. AP classes were available for both, and AP European History was an option as well. World History was a requirement for underclassmen.

By your question--do you mean, do I think the Revolution was justified? I think so. I believe a war could have been avoided had King George and Parliament handled the situation better.

As for your other question, I will be majoring in illustration, which is a pretty open field. Illustrators do work for children's books, advertising, game and character design, etc. Right now I'm in the required foundation classes, like oil painting, anatomy, structural (technical) drawing, two and three-dimensional design, stuff like that.
Hi, Welcome to TBF!

higley said:
I especially like the books written by Michael and Jeff Shaara.

Do you have a personal favorite? I've read a few, The Killer Angels and Gods and Generals were for classes in college. The Glorious Cause was for fun. I'd love to read For the Love of the Game someday because I'm a huge baseball fan and I think it would be interesting to see an author who generally writes historical fiction writing about baseball. I've heard it isn't as well written because he died before really having a chance to do final edits, but I still think it will be worth a read. I haven't seen the movie because I know it will ruin the book.
Mehastings--so far, I haven't been able to pick a favorite :) For Love of the Game certainly wasn't the style seen in Michael Shaara's The Killer Angels, but it was wonderful anyway. Sort of dreamy. Makes you love baseball even more :) I know Shaara himself was a baseball player in college (a pitcher, I think) until an injury ended his playing.

Thanks for all the welcomes :)
Greetings from Nebraska!. Is Frank Solich still the Ohio bobcats coach? It wa a shame he was fired here. Can't go wrong liking history-some great historical fiction out there too-check out E.L. Doctorow and Gore Vidal.:cool: In regards to the revolution, Charles Beard's An Economic Interpretation of the Constitution is not to be missed.
SFG75- yeah, he is. Got arrested on a driving under the influence charge not too long ago...other than that, don't know much about the Ohio U program; I'm a Buckeyes fan ;) Thanks for the book recommendations!
Hello, hello! I'm also from Ohio. ^_^ As much as I like art, I decided to major in history so it seems we have something else in common! Civil War tends to be my favorite area of U.S. history.