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Pop-up books


Well-Known Member
My sister got my oldest boy a pop-up book and the kids just love it!. The thing is, I haven't seen a lot of these as of late. The big thing now is leap-pads and books that make noise with a simple battery and tiny speaker. The book is: Super Sue by Cressida Cowell.:) I recommend it to anyone and everyone with little ones.:cool:

Any recommendations in regards to pop-ups?
What age?

My youngest two, ages 3 and 2, love Wibbly Pig books, by Mick Inkpen. Most of them are pop-ups, and their favourite is 'Everyone Hide From Wibbly Pig', but that's because my daughter loves hide-and-seek stories.

Wibbly Pig
I haven't come across too many pop-up books lately. The books out now that just send my youngest into throes of "how does it do that?" wonderment are the board books with three dimensional plastic things and as the story goes (usually a counting story) and you turn the pages, one by one, they disappear.