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Random Question..Keep posting

mango and chicken salad.. :) (can you tell it is summer time here?)

how many dogs can fit into your car?
A couple of big dogs, several small dogs but Beloved will only have one cat in the car.

Is a dog sticking it's head out a car window of a moving car while slobbering all over the glass cute?
Never had a martini shaken or stirred, had a Manhattan once and dumped it in the nearest plant, hope the plant survived - like white wine or Baileys

Do you enjoy sending Christmas cards (if this is something you would do)
Not really, but I try to send at least a few to feel less guilty when I find someone has taken the time to write one to me.

Do you prefer traditional Christmas music or holiday-season pop?
Define your terms. I love it all really. I really enjoy finding new original Christmas songs, and wonder why if I can find this great stuff, my local radio stations can't do the same. Why do we have to suffer through the same 20 songs, done by the same 20 artists? That's what gets old. Fast.

Favorite Christmas song: Andrew Peterson: Behold the Lamb of God

Christmas songs/recordings you love to hate?
Jewel has a Christmas album out that I absolutely love, and have for years. I can't stand a few of the radio play ones, but I can't think of them right now. My brain erased them. :D

Best part of Christmas morning?
world peace... :D no, not really, i've given up on day dreaming, and a goodly sized iTunes card would be nice...

is a good walk part of your daily routine?