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Time to kill

Why is it every time you get mad at me you whip out your PETA?

We lose more guests at the BBQ that way.

RaVeN said:
Why is it every time you get mad at me you whip out your PETA?

We lose more guests at the BBQ that way.


Well you'd think after ALL this time you'd learn the difference between kinky and perverted! Kinky is a feather. Perverted is the whole chicken. I'm kinky, not perverted, so leave the damn chickens at home! But don't forget the feather.
warm_enema said:
Did you know...that PETA euthanasies(sp?) about 70% of the animals they take into to their shelters.
That doesn't suprise me, and before you get the wrong idea, I'm not PETA supporter or anything. I think they swing the pendalum too far the other way. They may have some valid issues, but those issues get lost in all the drama.
RaVeN said:
Are you complaining?
Yes. You're always flaunting your fur. You know it upsets me. It's not fair that you get all the beard and all I can manage is a downy fluff.
Litany said:
You know it upsets me. It's not fair that you get all the beard and all I can manage is a downy fluff.

I was keeping this as a surprise, but since you're getting your boxers in a bunch, I've left you a handfull of my clippings for you to superglue where you may.

Check your belly button.


RaVeN said:
I was keeping this as a surprise, but since you're getting your boxers in a bunch, I've left you a handfull of my clippings for you to superglue where you may.

Check your belly button.



My dreams of having the hairest boobs in the whole of the world are finally coming true.

Where's my second whiff clue, beardy boy|
Litany said:
Where's my second whiff clue, beardy boy|

By golly, the hairy wench is right boys and girls.

It's time for today's gutwrenching episode of


Here's clue number 2.

It was once my favorite color, but now a dark brown. It can't jig any more but it smells up the town.

I want to remind our friendly audience to please shut the hell up and keep your answers to youself. I know she could use your help but I've got a friggin headache and you get on my nerves.

You've had time to think it over and rubbing those hairy things on me is flaking the superglue, so once again, my neighbors beg you to...


Hmmm. A colour and a smell. That's a tricky one. I'm going to have to go with orange. Is it a festering orange, Bill?