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Where is Darren ??????


New Member
Alien abduction?

Swallowed by large, white whale?

Skipped town before his 600 member wedding?

Chasing tornado's in Kansas?

Hunting Osama?

Searching to see if G.W.Bush and T. Blair have a collective brain between the two of them?

Investigating the nuclear capabilities of North Korea?

Involved in deep conversation with Colonel Bill?
Stewart said:
He's around. I was in communication with him on Friday.
You obviously rate much higher than I do. I sent him a pm quite a while ago and have heard nothing yet....I guess I'm a peon....of coarse, I knew that...
"Why would you need him?

What can he do that the moderators can't?"

note the quoting technique... :p

Darren could tell us who won the May Competition...can anyone else do that?
Right, you lost me there, but that's probably due to the mindnumbing heat. It's turning my brain to mush.

Martin said:
Right, you lost me there, but that's probably due to the mindnumbing heat. It's turning my brain to mush.


that...or you're just getting old and your brain is turning to mush all on it's own.... :p :D :p
I almost pulled a Darth Vader after reading that (NOOOOOOO), but it's too fucking hot to move.

Typing alone exhausts me.

But still, could you explain? Is it your book we can win?

the contest is over....yes it was a book (signed, if so desired, by the author)....somebody has won, but nobody knows who.....
Then why the hell did I join?!

Nah, kidding, that's cool, Moto! Ok, now I'm curious, too. Darren!?

"Then why the hell did I join?!"

'cause it was free...and you could donate the book if you don't want it...children's library, hospital waiting room.....

...or give it as a gift to any young kid you happen to know.....or just release it into the wild....that would be cool to track on TBF.....