Well-Known Member

You are the man Aqua, you are the man!. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. I say it's quite becoming of him actually. Maybe it will improve his horrid writing.
Thanks for the good laugh brother, happy fourth to ya.

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Probably 60-70% of the books I read I borrow from the library. I don't like to buy books unless it's something I think I can reread sometime in the future. A great store in the Pacific Northwest is Powell's books - booklover's heaven! They sell new and used books, and they'll buy your old books too. They give you maps to their store when you walk in. They're online too, but the prices aren't quite as good as in-store.
A great store in the Pacific Northwest is Powell's books - booklover's heaven! They sell new and used books, and they'll buy your old books too. They give you maps to their store when you walk in. They're online too, but the prices aren't quite as good as in-store.
Where in the Pacific Northwest are they located? I live in the Seattle area, but I've never heard of them.
Fae -
Sorry, it looks like they're mostly in Portland, OR. I thought they had a couple in Washington too. You can check out their site and locations at powells.com
My girlfriend hates it. She doesn't understand why I just don't go to the library. She thinks most books are a waste of money.
I'm sorry if something like this has already been posted. . .
Where do you guys usually purchase your books?
Borders? Amazon.com? Barnes & Noble? Used bookstores?
Or do you go to the library & borrow?
I get most of mine from Borders. I've bought a couple from amazon.com as well. Every time I get paid, I make a trip to Borders.My girlfriend hates it. She doesn't understand why I just don't go to the library. She thinks most books are a waste of money.
Probably 60-70% of the books I read I borrow from the library. I don't like to buy books unless it's something I think I can reread sometime in the future.
10% of the books I read come from the library. Amazon is too easy with just a click and fast service.Plus, when you buy, you can dog-ear it, mark it, write in it, not to mention drawing a fake mustache on the author's picture on the back in-set if it's Saul Bellow.