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Chelsea Cain: Heartsick


Active Member
Normally I don't read murder mysteries but after hearing great things about this book I decided to see if its supporters were right. Although I didn't thinkHeartsick was really groundbreaking or original, I was entertained and surprised by the novel's contents. Cain's writing style is brisk and to-the-point, making her book a very easy read. Every so often there would be some awkward sentences such as "He was twenty-nine years old, in that punk rock sort of way" (huh?) but most of her prose was competent enough to let such flaws slide.

The book's protagonist is Archie Sheridan, a cop who spent two years recovering from the abuse he suffered at the hands of serial killer Gretchen Lowell. He does not return to work until young girls are killed by what the press calls "The After School Strangler". Also taking an interest in The After School Strangler is Susan Ward, a young reporter who ends up being affected by this case in a big way.

So while not a revolutionary or great work, Heartsick is an enjoyable thriller that left me wanting to read more about Lowell and several of the other characters. I just found out today that the follow-up, Sweetheart, is being published in September.