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New Member
Hello, I am new here. I am from Scotland and enjoy reading crime and mystery books. Looking forward to meeting you all.
Hi Rosy, welcome to TBF. My favorite genre is crime and mystery too, so I'm sure we'll bump into each other again in that forum!
abecedarian said:
Wrongo Bucko! It was Miss Scarlet in the library with the wrench;)

Rosy: Who are a few of your favorite authors?

At present, Tess Gerritsen, Kathy Reichs and Minette Walters. What about you?
Oooh, all 3 of them are on my list too! Have you tried Karen Rose, Alison Brennan and Stuart Woods? Oh, and Kay Hooper, Iris Johanssen, Keith Ablow? Shall I go on???!!! :lol:
denny said:
Oooh, all 3 of them are on my list too! Have you tried Karen Rose, Alison Brennan and Stuart Woods? Oh, and Kay Hooper, Iris Johanssen, Keith Ablow? Shall I go on???!!! :lol:

I will look out for them. I am afraid I have not heard of these authors as we only have a very small library where I live. Have you read any of Harlan Coben?
My local library is very small too, but they can get hold of other books from local libraries in the area if you order them. Are you in the UK or the USA? I know they charge for that service in England, but they don't here in the US.

I also use Amazon as a good place to start if I want to browse for books (www.amazon.com or .co.uk). You can often read a synopsis of the books, and sometimes even the first few pages.

No, I haven't tried any Harlan Coben; I'll add him to my research list for next time I do some ordering with the library. Thanks for that, and let me know if you come across any others in a similar vein!