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Hi the new old guy


I’m semi-retired. I read and watch movies (dvds). All of my reading is for pleasure. Fiction mysteries mostly, SF, and a little thriller and horror. I watch very little television.

Books have always been an important part of my recreational life. The pure joy of immersing yourself in something else: from another world, to another ordinary day in the life. And you are there!

I keep track of the details. My movie data base is adequate, Collectorz, and my book log is just a spreadsheet. I mark everything, 0 to 100.

The past few years I've mostly watched movies. I was reading between 100-125 books a year. Now I’m reading 10-30. I'm watching about 250 movies per year. l need to balance the ratio. More reading !

(When my children were young they earned pocket money by submitting book reports)

Some Favourite Authors
Harry Crews
William Gibson
Colin Dexter
Stephen Hunter
Jonathon Kellerman
Harlan Ellison

They all enthrall and can sometimes disappoint.

So hi.
That book report idea is creative. I wish my parents did something similar!
Welcome to the board btw.
10-30 books in a year?Sounds like me.I can't find time to hardly read anymore.

I just got a lot of time this Spring Break on a trip to somewhere,which took eight hours,which led me to get almost through with The Black Ice.
Thanks for the welcome.

One of the reasons to join here was to get ideas for new reads. I generally go to the library and pick books because i'm drawn to them, or they call to me, like flowers. In and out in 10 minutes. 5-9 books on a 3 week loan.

Consequently i get my share of DNFs and just plain bad. I once took a book back and asked the librarian to burn it and spare future folks the grief.

And like most i'll read a new author, establish the bibliography, and enjoy the ride.

Now here i've learned the acroynm for my book list - TBR. I thought I should post a blog with my culled TBRs. I'll definitly add the 'book of the month'. ( I tried that a couple of months ago at my local ibrary - they had picked "The Other Boleyn Girl'. I honestly tried 3 times. but was stalled by page 100.)

Hope I'm not appearing as 'too busy' but i'm a reading fool. I've exhausted old movies so it's back to my other passion.

I've read a few of the later Bosch novels so I'll read 'The Black Ice' asap, thanks Butcher
Hi and Welcome WebWalker! I once 'bribed' my older two daughters to read non-fiction books.. they were in the 4th and 5th grades( we home schooled) and were only reading fiction. I made them a deal: Read 100 non-fiction books and be able to tell me about them as you go(oral report/discussion) and I'll give you $10(one income family/lots of kids=low budget). They took the bait and my cash. After that, they continued to read non fiction as well as anything else that wasn't nailed down, and as adults, they still read widely. Mission accomplished!
I once 'bribed' my older two daughters to read non-fiction books.. they were in the 4th and 5th grades( we home schooled) and were only reading fiction. I made them a deal: Read 100 non-fiction books and be able to tell me about them as you go(oral report/discussion) and I'll give you $10(one income family/lots of kids=low budget). They took the bait and my cash. After that, they continued to read non fiction as well as anything else that wasn't nailed down, and as adults, they still read widely. Mission accomplished!
That is also awesome ABC! Gettin' some ideas...
Hi Abecedarian
My youngest boy (41 now!) and I talk at length once a month. He lives distant. He always gives me a new author or at least a book to read, along with a teaser review. I try to reciprocate.
Well chuffed.