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Never Ending Song Titles:Words in Common

I Believe the South is Gonna Rise Again-Tanya Tucker

Mama never had a flower garden cause cotton grew right up to our front door
Daddy never went on a vacation he died a tired old man at forty-four
Our neighbors in the big house called us redneck
Cause we lived in a poor sharecropper shack
The Jackson's down the road were poor like we were
But our skin was white and their was black
But I believe the south is gonna rise again
But not the way we thought it would back then
I mean everybody hand in hand I believe the south is gonna rise again

I see wooded parks and big skyscarpers where dirty rundown shack stood once before
I see sons and daughter and sharecroppers but they're not pickin' cotton anymore
But more important I see human kindness as we forget the bad and keep the good
A brand new breeze is blowing cross the southland
And I see a brand new kind of brotherhood
Yes I believe the south is gonna...
I believe the south is gonna rise again I believe the south is gonna rise again
