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Silly Me!


New Member
I've only gone and introduced myself on Oklahomas' posting. Nice to be here, hope to stick around a while and get to know you all.:) Looks like a really nice place to visit.ai127.photobucket.com_albums_p142_pussywillow_photos_avatar_55141.gif That's not me by the way, I just like playing with photobucket!
I'm a little late replying as I was just pressing todays cheese between posting! I've recently gotten into all things vampire. I think it's because of the escape from the reality of living in a Liverpool slum area. I usually default to Stephen Kings' Dark Tower series, pure escapism...
I have about 450 vintage pulp sci-fi to work through, but my head has to be in the right place in order to concentrate.
I'm ashamed to admit that when I was nursing I could only manage chick lit, but no more now:) I eat books... Usually if I find an author I like I proceed through everything they've ever written. I draw the line at Jeffrey Archer (spit) and Dan Brown.
I did like Patricia Cornwell and Jonathon Kellerman for a while, but eventually they became a little "samey"!

I've recently gotten into all things vampire.

Have you read The Historian? I've heard mixed reviews. I just put it on my iPod to listen to in the car. It is a little intimidating though as I haven't listened to anything longer than fifteen hours or so (it is twenty six).
Who wrote it and what is it about. I'm looking to spend my christmas money and it's burning a hole in my pocket!
I'm very new here too, but I'll welcome you! From your profile you sound pretty interesting. I also crochet, and would make jelly and cheese...if I had the time and equipment. I always thought it looked fun.

Anyway, hope you like this place as much as I! :)
Welcome to B&R!. Not much for vampires, but the horror section sure could use your presence.:)