I saw it 
I actually didn't like it very much though. I have liked them all up until now but this one didn't really jell for me. I have always hated the "I am a machine but I suddenly have feelings" stuff in TV And movies. And the story was just flimsy. The dalek extracted her DNA? Errr, well ok. Even the dalek extracted her DNA it wouldn't confer any of her personality as well. DNA is just a code that tells cells to grow and in what way.
Maybe I went into it with too many expectations. I wanted to see the cold killing machines! The scary unquestioning killing machines! They are the ultimate alien. The ultimate embodiment of cold nazi hate. If you take that away then it isn't a dalek any longer. It isn't scary or interesting any more. They could have done a much better story with just as much feeling and got the same message across without resorting to silly "but I am a machine yet I feel" stuff.
AND I REALLY HOPE that isn't a new companion
I actually didn't like it very much though. I have liked them all up until now but this one didn't really jell for me. I have always hated the "I am a machine but I suddenly have feelings" stuff in TV And movies. And the story was just flimsy. The dalek extracted her DNA? Errr, well ok. Even the dalek extracted her DNA it wouldn't confer any of her personality as well. DNA is just a code that tells cells to grow and in what way.
Maybe I went into it with too many expectations. I wanted to see the cold killing machines! The scary unquestioning killing machines! They are the ultimate alien. The ultimate embodiment of cold nazi hate. If you take that away then it isn't a dalek any longer. It isn't scary or interesting any more. They could have done a much better story with just as much feeling and got the same message across without resorting to silly "but I am a machine yet I feel" stuff.
AND I REALLY HOPE that isn't a new companion