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God I love discussing books


New Member
Hi, I'm new and I'm here because I really like discussing books (as you can probably infer from the title) and I just can't get enough in real life. Discussions in LA class are usually horrid and the book club my friend and I started has somehow just turned into me and her reading the same books again. So I decided I can talk about books here!
My favorite authors are Neal Stephenson, Ayn Rand, Nikola Barker, Kurt Vonnegut, Anthony Burgess, Vladimir Nabokov, and Chuck Palantik.
I have too many favorite books.
I'm currently reading Cryptonomicon, This is your Brain on Music, In Cold Blood, Voices from the Street, Naked Empire (though I might quit soon), and Soul Forge.
I just finished Flow my Tears the Policeman Said by Phillip k. Dick and am about to start The Sound and the Fury by Falkner.
Oh I forgot, I'm also reading The Marble Fawn by Nathaniel Hawthorne and an art history book. I have an "all at once" sort of reading style. I get bored with just one book lol.
Hello! I'm also a new member and I couldn't help but notice that one of your favorite authors wrote my absolute favorite book, A Clockwork Orange. Anyway, I couldn't imagine reading so many books at once. Even though I absolutely LOVE reading, I'm probably one of the slowest readers ever! Seriously, reading a book takes me forever, even though I love every minute of it. ^_^ When I was in middle school I had to take these reading stimulus tests that were targeted toward 4th graders because I read slower than everyone else in the class. Oh, well... ^_^ I still read pretty slow, but it gives me more time with the book, i guess...
Hello! I'm also a new member and I couldn't help but notice that one of your favorite authors wrote my absolute favorite book, A Clockwork Orange. Anyway, I couldn't imagine reading so many books at once. Even though I absolutely LOVE reading, I'm probably one of the slowest readers ever! Seriously, reading a book takes me forever, even though I love every minute of it. ^_^ When I was in middle school I had to take these reading stimulus tests that were targeted toward 4th graders because I read slower than everyone else in the class. Oh, well... ^_^ I still read pretty slow, but it gives me more time with the book, i guess...

Who cares how fast, so long you're enjoying the book.
Hello and welcome.I noticed! O_O
Of that current batch you are reading, which do you most like?
lol, I think Cryptonomicon but it's taken me forever to read, I'm like 450 pages in and have been reading it for over 2 years. -_- It's a really dense book, but it's also really good

Do you speed read?

Welcome to the forum.:)

Hello! I'm also a new member and I couldn't help but notice that one of your favorite authors wrote my absolute favorite book, A Clockwork Orange. Anyway, I couldn't imagine reading so many books at once. Even though I absolutely LOVE reading, I'm probably one of the slowest readers ever! Seriously, reading a book takes me forever, even though I love every minute of it. ^_^ When I was in middle school I had to take these reading stimulus tests that were targeted toward 4th graders because I read slower than everyone else in the class. Oh, well... ^_^ I still read pretty slow, but it gives me more time with the book, i guess...

Yeah Clockwork Orange is most of the reason I love him ^_^ but he's written some other really good books too. But to answer your question(s) I actually read pretty slow... or I guess average. I feel like if I read too fast I don't remember things as well and I don't enjoy it as much. I think it's more like... well you know how some people have music ADD and can't listen to one song for too long? I have book ADD. But I think it's fine to read slow, it gives you more time to savor the books!