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Question Game

I learned why jets leave lines in the sky:D

What has someone said to you, that made you feel really good about yourself?

You're planning a cross-country trip, if time were not a factor, would you prefer to fly or drive and take in the sites?
Drive definately. You see so much more, and can stop and do little detours. :)

Do you read every new post on TBF when you log in, or just the ones that interest you?
I never wear a watch, I always have to ask people, but it's a good way to meet folks.

Do you carry an umbrella?
i think my "handbag" has progressed from hand sized to a bookbag. i just find the need to carry everything.

Do you prefer hair curly or straight?
I prefer my hair curly cos people compliment it more than what it is straightened.

Will and Grace of F.R.I.E.N.D.S??

I like both but if I had to pick one, Friends.

Do you like quiet or listening to something when you go to sleep?