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what's everyone up to today?

Peder said:
Right now?
Checking the email to see if there is yet word from a friend in New Orleans.
Nope, again :(

Peder, I hope your friend is safe. I've been reading the most horrific things.

There is no excuse for the situation that continues to exist there.

Today I've got the day off but have to take my daughter for her orthodontist appointment later this morning then this afternoon it’s the dentist for me.:eek:
In between I'm going to try and find out more about Iyengar Yoga. I’m thinking about starting training so that at some point in the future I could become a yoga teacher. The trouble is I’m also quite keen on kickboxing and want to do that as well. Then there’s my triathlon training.

Well something will have to go, I’ll just end up an injured wreck if I try to do everything.:(

Are there any yoga instructors on the forum? I think that’s the direction I will end up following

i have no concept of computers. today i got up, logged on and the comp was making a noise that sounded like someone gargling glass. i was certain that i was going to be offline for days. matt wakes up takes it apart and badda bing badda boom. magic.
somewhere moto is laughing at me.

i have a thread to go post in.
i feel great today! the weather...ahhh....the weather! beautiful. i have slept off my hangover from yesterday and today i plan on stram cleaning carpets... :eek:
I went to my dermatologist the other day to have some more pre-cancers burned off.

She has a poster on her wall that reads:

"The first sign of skin cancer is -- a nice healthy tan."

She tells me that UVA and UVB protection are not even enough.

(I wouldn't have listened either, way back when.)

stillilearn..hope all is well...

not a whole heck of a lot happening here at chez lamb and lion...after labour day weekend it's pretty much dullsville around these parts. got the carpets all steamed cleaned (yee haw!) good times, good times. have a friend up form new york, so i may be hitting the bottle, yet again.... ;) not to the extent of the other night, but who knows what will happen with this crazy chick right here!
and that pretty much wraps it up.
it was gorgeous here today. the sky was blue, the clouds were white and the trees were GREEN! And I speant it...on the couch, curled up under a blanket shivering, watching Friends Season 2 on DVD and reading Lolita. We went out for a bit to go to the library (to prevent me going crazy) and that wore me out. I am so so so sick. I had four days off, the first two were perfect, and the last two were crap. Sigh. I don't wanna work tomorrow!
Prairie_Girl said:
it was gorgeous here today. the sky was blue, the clouds were white and the trees were GREEN! And I speant it...on the couch, curled up under a blanket shivering, watching Friends Season 2 on DVD and reading Lolita. We went out for a bit to go to the library (to prevent me going crazy) and that wore me out. I am so so so sick. I had four days off, the first two were perfect, and the last two were crap. Sigh. I don't wanna work tomorrow!

Sorry you're sick, hope you feel better soon :)
Prairie_Girl said:
I've now lost my voice. Which makes a job that involves working in a call center pretty hard. I'm screwed.

yeah, things aren't looking up for you....sucks.

sorry you are sick :D
i just realized, i didn't mean to say sorry you are sick huge smilie, i meant to say sorry you are sick :eek: or :mad: or even :) ..you pick...you're the sicky......
but sorry to hear you are sick..booooo....down with being sick! :D
yep. today is a sick day. my boss didnt' sound terribly impressed either. But how am I supposed to talk on the phone w/out a voice? my Aunt brought over chicken noodle soup though, that will be good!
today....i am cleaning and getting the inn all spic and span...we lost (fired) our housekeeper so i am in charge!!! that's right!

having a poolside bbq later.....
Prairie_Girl said:
yep. today is a sick day. my boss didnt' sound terribly impressed either. But how am I supposed to talk on the phone w/out a voice? my Aunt brought over chicken noodle soup though, that will be good!

Bosses don't care about sore throats, sickness, no voices, or chicken soup.

Bosses only care about numbers.

That's their job.

Sucks to have one without a heart. Sorry you are still under the weather.
luckily I work for one of thebigest companies in the country, so she's not a problem. HR however.... not worried about it though. I only have to deal with her for another couple weeks, then I get a new team leader.