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anyone watching survivor?

Jeez, I don't know. :D But I will tell you this, whoever came up with the idea of a soap opera based around hot chicks making out should win the Nobel Peace Prize. God Bless Them.
Never heard of The L Word. Sounds like a Howard Stern show for TV.

This must not be American television, or is it HBO or Cinemax? Where is this L Word?
ooooh moto the L word is right up your alley. a show focusing on hot lesbians, and i mean hot. it is like the show 30 something with only lesbians and there is loads of making out. we get it on bravo showcase on thurs around 11. i am on atlantic standard time.
i'm certain it's american. here's a link l word
Lesbians and American television??? This is the same country that went ballistic over Janet Jackson's millisecond boob shot.

I'll have to check the tv listings for this. Bravo huh?

What makes you think I'm into hot lesbians?
I was a little disappointed in the second season as they cut waaaaayyyy back on the sex and nudity. Plus they got rid of the super hot Marina character. :(
back on topic...I got to watch the show on tape tonight.

What the hell happened to that idiot Caryn. She totally pulled a Stephanie. Those girls had it made. They knew the plan and had it down. Caryn did a complete self destruct. I am completely dumbfounded. All she had to do was keep her big yap shut and she'd probably be final four.

Ian needs to grow some pubes. It's for 1 million dollars you idiot. You have no friends.
oh well anyway glad tom won. i think he played really hard and deserved it.

lenny, moto, cajunmama, sell sword, cheers guys. hope to see you here for the next season.

jenn :)
Ian basically let it slip that if he won immunity he would have a hard time deciding who to vote out. Jen then went and told Tom that the three had decided that if Ian won immunity they would vote Tom off. Tom had sworn that he would take Ian to the final two. So Tom got really pretty pissed that Ian would take him out and break their commitment to each other. (Isn't that a cute way of looking at it...a commitment) Tom confronted Ian and I thought Ian was gonna cry again. Caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Ian fell for the guilt trip Tom laid on him and basically walked off the show and gave Katie $100k.

I'm always amazed at how personal everybody takes getting voted off. I was totally shocked at the outright rage a few of the jury members showed. It's a freakin' game people. There can only be two people at the end.

And I thought Coby needed to be bitch-slapped. What an ass. I did not see the reunion show yet. Got it on tape.
alrighty thank you. i was tearing my hair out. poor ian. nice guy but didn't have the big hairy coconuts required to be a bit of an asshole.
everyone is always so emotional at the last tribal. it's like the last day of camp when you are saying goodbye to your "bestfriend" and you find out that they too have been making out behind the supply shed with scottie reynolds and you are just soooo betrayed and hurt. i week later you are like, scott who?
Jen, Katie, and Ian had a conversation about kicking Tom off, if Tom lost immunity. Then after Tom won, they all basically sat Jen down and told her she was next to get kicked off. Tom says he’s honoring his alliance to Ian and Katie and he’s not changing his position that he’s had since day one. Ian could have kept his mouth shut and the game would have been kinda dull. But then stupid Ian says in front of everybody, “Boy, I’m glad you won Tom, cause if I had to make that decision I don’t think it would have been so easy for me.” (paraphrased) Tom’s ears pricked up big time. Jen never said anything until her and Tom were off by themselves and she let the cat out of the bag about the Jen, Katie, Ian get rid of Tom talk. Tom decides to confront Ian about it right then and there. Ian basically had his jewels hung out for Tom to cut off. Ian tried to play it off as just “game talk”, but Tom would hear none of that.

I assume you saw the final immunity challenge with Ian giving away any chance for a million just to save face with Tom. You saw that right, Jenn?
almost 12 hours of standing on a little metal ring. God-damn that was amazing.

Can someone please tell me where Tom “compromised his morals” so badly that at least half the jury seemed like they wanted to cut his throat? Yeah, he had to vote people off to survive, but I don’t remember him out and out lying or playing "Johnny Fairplay" or anything. Did I miss something? I think Tom played about as honest as a guy can play and make it to the final two.
What did Tom do that he deserved that kind of backlash?
I don't think any jury member in the history of Survivor has ever refrained from making accusations about the final 2 and how they "cheated", "lied", "backstabbed", blah-blah-blah. Sour grapes :mad:
Tom deserved to be the winner. He played the "game" the best of all them. Ian turned out to be "one-dumb-guy". How can a person give up a chance of winning a million dollars and $100,00 guranteed "in a game". Ian blew it the last 2 weeks and showed his stupidity.
I am so glad Tom won. But he deserved it. He wasn't squeamish about how much "integrity" he had, he played hard, but yet, the way he played was better than integrity IMHO, he played with grace and tact.

No one except Coby, who already had his own issues motivating him, can say that Tom was overly hurtful or gleeful about them losing position in the game. He was never gleeful about voting anyone out.

And his answers at the final TC were incredible! Katie blew it, that made him look good by comparison, but he would have done fine even without that. I was blown away by how clever his response to Jenn was! Very nice.

It's fun seeing someone that skilled take it! Best Survivor season in years!
One thing we Survivor fans need to keep in mind is the fact that by Day 30 or so, these people are breaking down physically, psychologically, emotionally etc., so they are not exactly pre-disposed toward rational behaviour. Hell, I can't go 1 day without coffee without turning into a raving lunatic. It's unfortunate that so many of these individuals wind up looking like wack jobs on national TV, I try to imagine all the stupid crap I would do if I was malnourished, filthy, tired and suspicious for weeks at a time.
Good points my Delaware friend, but just exactly how wacked out would you have to be to give up $100 large for a guy you never knew existed just 40 days ago?

I assume you're talking about Ian's fall from grace?
i think the same thing as ss, everything is soooo heightened. you would be so strung out and wouldn't have the rational perspective of ok, i'm going to walk away from this and in a month no one will remember me but i will have 100K. i think the whole show is designed that way to make you forget the outside world for a bit and so your decision making process would get skewed.
i do really feel that ian blew it though. my god they could have been off that pole in 10 mins.