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Films re-enacted by bunnies in 30 seconds

I've always loved It's a wonderful life. I always wanted to be married to Donna Reed and live in Bedford Falls. I watch IAWL at least half a dozen times a year with leaky eyes.
And this is just wonderful. My children watched it with me and laughed at me for going all weepy even when it's cartoon bunnies.
Thank you Silly Wannit; that's a wonderful xmas present.
I love IAWL too, it's almost a tradition for me to watch it every year. Unfortunately, I'm at work right now so I can't watch the bunnies. But I will remind myself to check it out once I get home. I love the Bunny re-enactments!!
Bunnies rule :D

I hope they make more. It's been awhile since I watched the last one! Thanks for reminding us of their fluffy greatness! :)
Do I have to admit that I've now seen the movie Titanic?


At least it was only 30 seconds.
Libra6Poe said:
awww s**t. I hate it when people do that. And I did it too. I always think, "why don't they do a search first before posting a whole new thread?" and here, I did it myself. :( sorry 'bout that.

I don't blame you - who would think to look for such an odd thing on TBF??!

Thanks for giving me a chance to say "What the &#%$ ?!" before noon! Hilarious!!
awww... thank you! i'm glad you guys liked it. I, too, would like to see things re-enacted by chimps. :p (not really, well, I don't know... I actually have a thing against monkeys, chimps, etc... if you want to know why, PM me)