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Must be a Canadian thing.![]()
Robert mentions somewhere in here, an Uncut version of The First Circle
is coming out. If you are going to start with The First Circle might as well go for the uncut version.
There's a reader's digest version of First Circle??? My copy is fairly old.. before paperbacks cost four or five dollars...it's in the basement or I'd run check right this instant...
I bought mying used too, 1960 copy. Here is the link for the uncut version that Robert mentioned.
Uncut Solzhenitsyn work coming out - CNN.com
Nine chapters he cut! Must have been like choosing which child to feed and which to allow to die of starvation...The fact he didn't totally give in and just write a fairytale speaks volumes about the man.
Adding this one to my already long Amazon wishlist...
Kenny Shovel advised me to start with First Circle or One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch. I read First Circle first, followed by One Day, then I read Cancer Ward. They all stand alone, but I'm glad I didn't start with The Gulag Archipelago..Not that it's so tough intellectually..really none of his novels are like that; the material is hard to assimilate and process because the issues discussed are so unthinkable. We who've always enjoyed the luxury of a free society might have trouble understanding a world so different from our own. At least, I read stuff years ago about some of the practices of the former Soviet Union, so it wasn't all new to me. Still, I had to read slower than normal, stopping to think about what I'd just read, perhaps setting the book down for a whole day while I did ordinary stuff in realtime. These are not books to just breeze through; they deserve more time.
The author of The First Circle and other books, died yesterday at the age of 89.
Vt. Town's Residents Remember Solzhenitsyn : NPR
But thanks for the link just the same. Much more thorough. I thought it was interesting to hear what his biographer had to say about him. Apparently not nearly the ideal anti-Soviet stalwart many people believe he was.